Runner of the Year and Junior Runner of the Year Nominations

 In News

Dear All,

Its hard to believe its that time of the year again.

The nominations are now open for the 2017 RUNNER and JUNIOR RUNNER OF THE YEAR.

Both the Runner of the Year and Junior Runner of the Year recognises the club member(s) that have demonstrated;

  • Consistency
  • Achievement and
  • Improvement
The nomination form here explains the criteria in full.
You can nominate yourself or another member.  Don’t be shy or think that what you’ve done isn’t enough, be proud of what you have achieved over the year and tell us about it.
We look forward to receiving many nomination forms and reading about the great efforts that has been undertaken.
Nominations close Friday 3 November
If you have any questions please email me and or speak with Anthony or myself.
Renai McArdle
Orange Runners Club