CWD 19th October 2019
Last Sunday saw 56 runners head out to Spring Creek Dam with Bec Davis recognised for completing 50 club runs before the assembled members took the track.
The first three finishers over each distance were:
2.4km female – Amber Rich 10:08, Lucy Jurd 12:12 and Lyn Rummery 15:54.
Male – Gary Taylor 17:40.
4.8km female – Milla Jurd 23:04, Kinisha Roweth 25:31 and Tanya Connolly 26:41.
Male – Michael Kennard 22:32, Daniel Roth 23:14 and Scott Bebbington 23:16.
7.2km female – Alison Spurway 41:31.
Male – Andrew McCauley 35:16, Peter Hyde 35:56 and David Craig 36:27.
9.6km female – Leanne Corcoran 42:18, Bec Davis 52:54 and Karen Mudge 53:09.
Male – Joel Broadfoot 42:47, Anthony Daintith 43:14 and Phil Cranney 45:01.
Overall handicap winner was Hayden Hyde completed the 7.2km distance in a time of 42:30.
Also on Sunday a number of runners travelled to Forbes for the running festival and in the Half Marathon, Tim Murphy 1:24:23 starring with a second placing overall while Mike Cooper lost his way slightly but still managed 1:41.56.
In the 10km race Ursula Wilson was second female in 44:43, while Daryl Roweth 44:01, Gareth Thomas 46:25, Luisa Sims 49:51 and Rhonda Jones 1:09:14.
Lachlan Ross finished second overall and first junior in the 5km run in a time of 19:14. David Ross 22:42 was third open male, Charlie Brown 23:09 was first in the 11-12y, Alicia Ross 25:03 first open female, Cameron Ross 25:39 was second 11-12y and Keagan Wilson 1:03:19.
Just to add to the weekends running Iain McLean completed the Chicago Marathon, Sunday night our time and came away with a fantastic 7 minute personal best time of 2h 48m 39s.
On Wednesday at Elephant Park 53 runners members enjoyed running and walking in the light misty rain. Before the running got started Michael O’Mara was rewarded for his 75th club run while I was also informed that Michael’s wife Lyn recently ran in the Reboot Bermagui Fun Run 5km and finished third in the 60 – 69 age category.
President Anthony Daintith set the fastest time of the night running 11:37 for the 3 laps. Joel Broadfoot 12:12 and Daryl Roweth 12:23 filled second and third respectively in the males, while Leanne Corcoran 11:48 was the fastest female again ahead of Lily Craig 12:42 and Kinisha Roweth 14:03.
Kim Roweth 24s, George Hogg 11s, Karen Mudge 11s and Kelly Jurd 3s all ran Personal Bests for their 3 laps.
Overall handicap winner was Trevor Jones, who ran a consistent 20:43.
The Sunday Club run is at Elephant Park with a return to the relay run, starting at 9am. This run is very popular with 2 person teams drawn out on the morning. Handicaps are taken into account and each runner will run alternate laps with their teammate until both have completed 3 laps. Please arrive a little earlier so teams can be organised.
Time is running out to nominate someone for ‘runner of the year’ and ‘junior runner of the year’, so please get your nominations in.
Entries are open for the Orange Running Festival, to be held on the weekend of March 7th and 8th 2020.
For more information on events and results, please check out the website ‘’ or the facebook page.
Information provided by Daryl Roweth

Our own Iain McLean powering along in the Chicago Marathon