CWD 25th January 2020
67 runners club members converged on the Jack Brabham Park track on Sunday morning with great running conditions on the 1.75km per lap course.
The fastest runners over the various distances were:
1.75km – female – Fiona Montgomerie 14:32, Anne Tym 15:11, Madeline Mori 20:40
Male – Rikky Bangert 6:21, Fred Bangert 7:44, Kim Anlezark 8:36
3.5km – female – Ruth Brown 22:08, Becky Went 24:04, Claire Gates 24:17
Male – Brad Simmons 14:15, Jack Daintith 14:52, David Craig 19:13
5.25km – Female – Milla Jurd 25:09, Kelly Gleeson 28:25, Lucy Jurd 29:27
Male – Hugh Daintith 23:24, Blake Gleeson 24:55, Michael Sharp 30:42
7km – female – Judy Tarleton 51:32
Male – Peter ‘Marie’ Regan 39:00, Alex Irwin 40:35, Bill Fairgrieve 43:48
8.75km – female – Kelly Jurd 52:11
Male – Charlie Brown 51:38, Andrew McArdle 1:01:11, Zachary Bartram 1:02:49
10.5km – female – Luisa Sims 57:45, KimJarvis 1:06:29, Anna Daintith 1:13:13
Male – Anthony Daintith 50:22, Peter Hyde 51:32, Daryl Roweth 53:59
Handicap winner was Man Ha Mackay who completed the 5.25km in 38:16.
On Wednesday at Elephant Park 70 starters enjoyed a run while some members were dancing and singing the night away at the Elton John concert.
Fastest runners on the day were Peter Finlay 10:48, Brad Simmons in 11:06 and Nick Carney 11:14 who all scorched around the 3 laps of EP.
Alicia Anlezark 13:07 was the quickest of the ladies, just ahead of Lily Craig 14:05 and Sophie Kenway 14:44 was third home. Alicia’s time gave her a Personal Best of 19 seconds while Sophie’s time secured her the overall win on handicap.
Other PB’s were recorded by Hamish Hill 32s, Benjamin Hill 21s, Becky Went 2s and Dexter Bartrom 15s.
Alison Broughton was recognised for completing 25 club runs.
This Sunday the club run will be held at Stagecoach Road starting at 9am with 2km, 3km, 5km, 8km and 12km distances available on the slightly not flat course.
With the current weather conditions currently being experienced, both temperature and air quality, runners are reminded to run / walk or don’t run, to the conditions and to keep hydrated.
A reminder to think about entering the Orange Running Festival on March 7 & 8 with Early Bird entries closing on February 8. There are great festival shirts available and medals for the finishers.
Information provided by Daryl Roweth

2020 Running Festival Shirts and Medals