Essex charges home for win
Article by Kinisha Roweth
A cool Sunday morning at Pinnacle saw a small but keen group of runners out on the course to tackle the 3, 5 and 10km runs. Over the 3km distance Lily Craig (16:26) set the pace beating everyone back to the finish line with Lynda Chapman and Jane Patteson filling the placings. Penrose brothers Gary (20:01) and Brian finished first and third respectively, out of the boys, with Andrew Cooper sandwiched in between the brothers. In the 5km Jack Daintith 22:01 and second placed Mitchell Cooper, were the front runners, but the ever improving Craig Penrose is proving one to watch as he ran into third spot. Michelle Mackenzie (27:49) took the top spot in the girls 5km run ahead of the mighty Ella Lamrock and the consistent Kim Jarvis. The closest finish on the day though was the men in the 10km where Mitch Essex (48:23) ran down front runner Anthony Daintith, with Daryl Roweth only 15seconds behind Essex in third place. Note to Dad, it’s all in the preparation, so tie your laces up properly before you start.
Handicap Winner on the day was Lucy Dean who was 5th girl home completing the 3km course in 24:44.
Wednesday’s Elephant Park run saw something really special when Mitch Williamson completed the 3 laps in a Personal Best and a course record 8:29.To put this in perspective the next fastest time was just over 11 minutes. Young Thomas Lloyd (13:18) is following in mum Louise’s footsteps, by posting another (13 s) Personal Best and being the overall winner, on the night.
Please anyone who can assist with prize donations for the Running Festival in February (22-23) please see Lynda Chapman and she can allocate an age category to you. Over recent years members have been very generous and assisted with prize donations for the Age category winners. If you have any questions please talk to Lynda, Judy Tarleton or Kim Roweth.
While talking about the Running Festival, now is a good time to get your entry in and start training, especially if you are entering the ½ Marathon or Marathon, to give yourself time to build up your endurance by running longer kms.
The Christmas Party will be held on the 30th of November at Nashdale starting around 4pm. Please put your details (names) in an envelope with the payment ($10 Single & $15 Family) and give to Frank Ostini or Bill Fairgreive.
Also, if you would like to nominate someone for Junior or Senior Runner of the Year, you need to grab a nomination form from one of the committee members and get it back to either Frank, Bill or Mike Cooper by Wednesday 27th of November.
This Sundays run is at Birralee Road Forrest and is again another enjoyable run with a nice little hill at the start.

GET READY: Mitch Essex, pictured crossing the finish line at the 2013 Colour City Running Festival, was Sunday’s 10km winner and has started training for the 2014 marathon.