Forbes Rotary Ipomoea Charity Fun Run
The Forbes Rotary Ipomoea Charity Fun Run is on again this year on Sunday 13th October 2013, with a few new changes.
Once again centered on the beautiful Lake Forbes, this scenic fun run event will now include a new 10km run, a 5km run, or a social 2km walk.
The charity fun run event organised by the Forbes Rotary Ipomoea Club has been running since 1999, and helps to raise valuable funds for Lach Haven – a disability support services group based in Forbes.
The organising committee have launched a new website for this year’s event which can be visited at:
Registration Fees for the events on offer are as follows:
Early Bird
$10 / Students $5
$20 / Students $10
Student Entry
Gold Coin
Standard Entry
Gold Coin
Early Bird entries close on 27th September 2013. To get your Early Bird entry in:
1) Download a copy of the registration form;
2) Fill out the form and fax it to (02) 6851 2277 or email to;
3) Directly deposit the amount of your registration fee into the following bank account:
Rotary Club of Forbes Ipomoea Service Account, BSB. 802394, Account No. 25596
Please also check out the Terms and Conditions of entry.
If you are unable to get an Early Bird entry in, you may also sign up on the morning of the run from 7.30am.
Presentations will take place at 10.30am, and a barbeque and coffee and refreshments will also be available. The Orange Runners’ Club is once again happy to support the Forbes Rotary Ipomoea Charity Fun Run in 2013 and encourages all members to get involved in what will be another well organised, family oriented, fun running event.

Orange Runners’ Club Members who made the trip to Forbes for the 2012 Forbes Rotary Ipomoea Charity Fun Run
To view past photo galleries from the Forbes Rotary Ipomoea Charity Fun Run click here.