Rix honoured for 500 runs
Article by Daryl Roweth
Last Sunday over 100 runners members took to the Botanic Gardens track for a lovely morning run. Before the run started, amongst the announcements, one Brian Rix has rattled up 500 club runs and was awarded with a certificate to celebrate the achievement. Tackling the 1 lap 1.6km race, Hugh Daintith (8:26) came home in first place. Busta Connolly snuck into second spot ahead of Nick Irwin. Leading the ladies to the finish was Abby Dean (9:50) who finished in front of Michelle Lindsay and Chelsea Gregor.
Jack Daintith (14:00) was the quickest of those doing the 3.2km run, with John Connolly and Michael Sharp not that far behind. Kerrie Lindsay (17:04) got the top spot beating home youngsters, Caitlin Prestwidge and Josephine Kitto. 4.8km appears to have been the popular distance on the day with almost 40 starters doing this run, arguably the fastest run of the day was on this distance and the overall winner came from this group of runners. Connor Whiteley (19:51) lead home a very fast pack with Mark Chapman second and Ricky Bangert third. Overall winner on the day Leanne Corcoran (22:00) showed her fighting qualities to head off the challenge from Jessie Dean and Penny Chandler.
The 4 lap 6.4km run was the opposite to the 4.8km race as only 3 runners tackled this distance but in a close finish Grace Srzich (36:33) was just quick enough to outdo Graham Fahy (37:07) with Basil Baldwin less than 10 seconds further afield. Iain McLean ran a 33:41 in the 8km run to clearly lead home the field. Mike Cooper came in second place, with Anthony Daintith third. Another tight finish in the ladies longer run with an impressive run from Alice Munro (37:26), just seconds in front of Ursula Wilson and Kinisha Roweth was third.
Around 75 runners battled the slightly cooler spring afternoon at Elephant Park on Wednesday with Nathan Sutherland again recording the fastest time for the 3 laps with a 9:41. Nathan Garton picked up the win on the day with a very consistent 14:12 for his run which is a 48 second Personal Best (PB). After a few weeks of no PB’s, the members struck back with a vengeance, with many people outdoing their previous best three laps. PB’s were recorded by: William Pell 9s, Molly Dean 23s, Noah Tracey 1s, Corey McArdle 1s, Josephine Kitto 5m43s, Nathan Sutherland 27s, Fred Bangert 21s, Victoria Hamels 6s, Catlin Prestwidge 10s, Glenn Prestwidge 1m7s, Norma Bradley 2m & Alexis Mastronardi 3m28s.
This weekend is the Dubbo Stampede and the Edgell Jog in Bathurst which are very popular events with many Orange runners attending so there will be no organised club run. Good luck to those racing on the weekend. Hope you get a PB.
For any members not wanting to run in the Dubbo or Bathurst but who would still like to get out for some exercise they could try orienteering. Russell Tym is organising an event at The Rocks, about 35 km towards Bathurst on Sunday morning at 10.00am. There is an Easy Course for beginners and children. More information is available at http://www.goldseekers.org/ or by ringing Russell on 0412 470148. There will be signs on the highway. Take care when turning off the busy highway.
Entries are now open for the 2015 Orange Colour City Running Festival to be held on February 28 and March 1. If you can help out in any way the committee is looking for assistance so put your hand up and let them know you are available. Check out the website for information on event details: orangecolourcityrunningfestival.com.au.

LEADING THE WAY: Nathan Garton was the big winner on Wednesday night.