CWD 14th September 2019
Saturday Night’s neon run was affected by the weather, but a big thankyou to those who did come out to run and walk and congratulations to Leanne Corcoran, Joel Broadfoot and Mike Cooper who all completed 23 laps, with Leanne being declared the winner after finishing the 23 laps with the fastest time.
With an impressive 45 brave starters on a cold Sunday morning on Bargwanna Road, after the Neon run (on an equally cold Saturday night’ at Elephant Park, showed the members commitment to club runs.
The first three finishers over each distance at Bargwanna Road were:
3km female – Amber Rich 13:37, Milla Jurd 15:35 and Tessa Wong 17:43.
Male – Jake Munckton 14:06, Bob Wong 18:24 and Nick Bolton 24:30.
5km female – Bec Davis 28:34, Ellie Widdcomb 30:23 and Rosemary Elkington 31:11.
Male – Andrew McCauley 24:46, Gareth Thomas 25:02 and Mike Cooper 27:12.
10km female – Karen Mudge 1:00:13, Kelly Jurd 1:02:31 and Kim Jarvis 1:04:25.
Male – Nick Carney 43:11, Iain McLean 43:20 and Brett Rosser 49:27.
Overall handicap winner was Andrew McCauley after his first placing in the 5km distance while Phillipa Hogg 25runs and Nick Bolton 50runs were recognised for reaching these milestones.
On Wednesday night 77 starters enjoyed the slightly warmer conditions at the Elephant Park club run. Fastest runners on the night were Jake Munckton 11:09, Samuel Gross 11:21 and Hadden Bennett 11:24.
The fastest lady was Liz Simpson 11:19 ahead of Carissa Hickey 11:26 and Leanne Corcoran in 12:31.
Alison Turnbull ran 13:56 to pick up the overall handicap win, while Personal Best times were recorded by Alex McLean 45s, Carissa Hickey 1s, Kate Elligett 3s and Byron Seymour 5m13s.
The Sunday Club run is at the Baldwins ‘Burrawang’ property at Forest Reefs, starting at 9am with 3, 5, 8 and 11.5km distances available. Come along and help Basil celebrate his 40×2 birthday.
Good luck to any club members who are competing in Sydney’s Blackmores Running Festival this weekend.
Looking ahead, the Trail Hustlers organisers have the Mount Arthur trail run on Sunday 29th September at Wellington.
The club is looking for nominations for ‘runner of the year’ and ‘junior runner of the year’, so please think about nominating someone you think deserves recognition for their performances during the last 12 months.
For more information on events and results, please check out the website ‘’ or the facebook page.
Information provided by Daryl Roweth

Andrew McCauley, who was the fastest over the 5km distance at Bargwanna Road.