CWD 26th September 2020
Elliot Bangert being chased by older brother Rikky and dad Fred at a recent Sunday club run.

Kinisha Roweth reports:
Unfortunately, due to the wet weather, the committee had to call last Sunday’s run at Pinnacle off. This was a very smart call made as Pinnacle would have been very tough and dangerous to complete in that weather.
At Elephant Park on Wednesday night, we had 56 members completing 1, 2 or 3 laps on a windy afternoon with a few sprinkles of rain coming on and off.
Top 3 for the males this week was, Jack Daintith 9:46, Juan Cuervo Arango 9:50 and Fred Bangert 11:43. Top 3 for the Female runners we had Leanne Corcoran 12:00, Lily Craig 12:36 and Karen Mudge 14:29. We had 4 cracking PB’s this week; Kim Roweth knocked off a big 16 seconds getting down to 18:32, Jack Daintith down another 1 second, Sarah Passey cut 10 seconds off to get 16:00 and Juliette Kuelger took off a massive 35 seconds down to 16:30.
Achievement medals are available to be collected please see awards officer, Rhonda Jones to get yours at your next run.
This Sundays run has been changed to Bulgas Road with 3, 5 and 10km distances marked out. Please continue to follow the recommendations of essentially arriving, running and then going home, minimising the social contact. You can start your run between 8:30 and 9am.
On the 18th of October, we will have a new ORC Sunday run at Bloomfield golf course. This will coincide with the virtual City 2 Surf. Panorama Punish is being held on the 25th of October, only for local residents so if you are interested get in quick to register as there is limited spots.
Race briefs/announcements/presentations are still cancelled– this will instead be done via email and on the facebook page.
The Runners Club clothing shop is live now until the 14th of October. If you are interested in getting some of the new Orange Runners merchandise (singlet, t-shirt, hoodie, long sleeve top, zip top, buff, cap and polo shirt) then head to this link and put your order in . This is being done as a bulk order, so the prices are discounted, if you wish to order outside this time the prices will be a little higher, but this can be done directly through the Orange Clothing Co shop.
Massive shoutout goes to Alicia Anlezark, as she has stepped up to do the role of Secretary in the committee. We cannot thank her enough as this was a position we really needed to fill asap.
Continue to check the website, facebook and watch your emails for more information on all club activities and news.
Information provided by Kinisha Roweth