CWD 27th June 2020
In the third ORC virtual run members travelled to Lake Canobolas to complete a lap or four of the normal 2.5km course. Some chose to run early in the morning, some in the afternoon or even in the middle of the day, but whenever they could fit it in during the last week with 57 members completing the enjoyable track.
The fastest runners over the different distances being:
2.5km – female – Julie Chapman 18:43, Sally Wallace 20:20, Julie Tooth 21:35.
Male – Rikky Bangert 8:57, Fred Bangert 10:43, Graeme Tooth 15:25.
5km – female – Kinisha Roweth 25:40, Karen Mudge 28:04, Kim Broadfoot 31:18.
Male – Jack Daintith 23:04, Noel Annett 24:12, Logan Whiteley 24:47.
7.5km – female – Anna Daintith 55:01.
Male – Iain McLean 31:27, Bradley Tyack 51:57, John Betts 52:26.
10km – female – Jane Fairgrieve 1:03:55, Kim Jarvis 1:06:40, Glenys Rosser 1:34:15.
Male – Connor Whiteley 39:18, Hugh Daintith 48:57, Joel Broadfoot 49:05.
This week’s ORC Virtual run, to be completed and forwarded to Michael by 5pm Sunday (June 28), is 1 – 6 laps of the 1.75km Jack Brabham loop.
This will be the last virtual run with Wednesday Runs set to restart from July 1 – (then each Wednesday thereafter). There are a few variations to what was the normal Wednesday run, with the main ones being:
Timing to be open from 4.00pm and close at 5.15pm (members are not to arrive any earlier) – this will allow members plenty of time to spread out to complete their normal Wednesday run.
We strongly encourage members to essentially “arrive, run, go home” – please minimise socialising.
Suspension to race briefs/announcements/presentations –updates will be provided on both email and Facebook.
Also Sunday runs will recommence with the July schedule being:
5 July– Gosling Creek
12 July– Spring Creek Dam
19 July– Bargwanna Road (Wayne Stewart Memorial Run)
26 July- Clergate
Timing for starts to be open from 8:30am to 9:00am (members are not to arrive any earlier).
We strongly encourage members to essentially “arrive, run, go home” – minimise socialising.
Suspension of race briefs/announcements/presentations – this will be done via email and Facebook.
The Annual General Meeting has been scheduled for Thursday 23 July @ 7pm – Venue to be confirmed and will be communicated to members once sorted.
Please check the website, facebook and watch your emails for more information.
Happy Running.
Information provided by Daryl Roweth

Jane Fairgrieve (on right) and Kim Jarvis (left leading dog) who finished first and second respectively over the 10km distance at the virtual run at Lake Canobolas.