CWD 7th March 2020
On Sunday morning 69 runners club members ventured out to Bargwanna Road for the last Sunday Club run before the running festival, with the fastest runners over the various distances being:
3km – female – Milla Jurd 13:49, Grace Hosie 15:08, Jean Meiring 16:14
Male – Jake Daintith 12:34, Kim Anlezark 16:24, Gary Taylor 21:08
5km – Female – Kelly Gleeson 25:06, Kinisha Roweth 26:35, Alicia Ross 27:15
Male – Iain Mclean 21:28, Blake Gleeson 23:10, Warwick Blackwell 23:57
10km – female – Luisa Sims 55:52, Kim Jarvis 1:06:25
Male – Sam Harma 42:55, Brad Simmons 45:27, James West 49:32
Handicap winner was Tony Fitzpatrick who completed the 5km distance in the solid time of 27:40.
Also on the day Paul Anderson 25 runs and Gary Holway 75 runs were recognised for reaching these milestones.
On a refreshingly wet Wednesday at Elephant Park 48 runners took to the track as the rain held off for them to complete their laps. Fastest of the runners on the night were:
Male – Jack Daintith 11:10, Brad Simmons 11:32 and Hugh Daintith 12:00.
Female – Leanne Corcoran 11:19, Carissa Hickey 13:30 and Kelly Gleeson 13:58.
Overall winner was Frank Montil who ran 17:22 for the 3 laps.
Only one Personal Best on the night with George Rutledge taking another 4 seconds off his previous best.
This Sunday there is no club run due to the Running Festival.
Good luck to all involved in the running festival, the organisers, the volunteers, the runners and supporters. It should be a great event.
Remember to allow extra time to get to the Gosling Creek start area on race day as road closures will be in place and that access to the parking areas will be via the Huntley Road end of Bloomfield Road.
Information provided by Daryl Roweth

Running Festival MC’s Andrew McArdle and Alicia Ross, who did an outstanding job last year as they called runners across the finish line.