Ladies race through shops
Article by Kinisha Roweth
The report is in from Blackmores, the shopping was great and they managed to just fit in the cars to come home.
Some great results were achieved in the Bridge Run Mitch Williamson 29.19 and 3rd place overall, Nicole Williamson 38.40, Carrie Williamson 40.48, Karen Neal 47.10, Amanda Gregor 54.23, Sharon Fahy 55.40, Alison Spurway 56.26, Kay Davis 56.49, Glenys Rosser 1.02.34, Sabrina Manickam 1.06.48, Cindi Crannis 1.09.14, Fiona Mackin 1.10.25, Helen Roberts 1.17.51. The Half Marathon Leanne Corcoran 1.34.22, Robyn Cotton 1.38.37, Mike Cooper 1.39.11, Danielle Syme 2.05.12, Lynda Chapman 2.07.56, Renai McArdle 2.20.45, Judy Tarleton 2.21.12. Two of our Orange Runners Club members completed the Marathon Richard Eggleston 4.13.18 and Erin Dunkley-Gibson 4.59.59.
It is always amazing the things that can be achieved on these trips. The wonderful Lynda Chapman has never driven in traffic nor on a freeway. Due to circumstances beyond her control she had to be one of the drivers to Sydney. On the journey down they stopped for coffee at Lithgow and Lynda entered the café only minutes behind the others. We arrived at our Motel in Sydney and 10 minutes behind was Lynda, she walked in very calm and so did her passenger. Hence a major achievement conquered by Lynda. Many thanks to my on location reporter Judy Tarleton.
Other outstanding news of the week , we may have another world champion at the club, Mitch Williamson who works at the Pro Shop in Bathurst Golf Club combined the 2 things that he is very good at running and golf in Speed Golf. Speed golf is only new in Australia and held its first open qualifier last week in Canberra, Mitch grabbed the win and earned an invite to the world champs in the USA next month. Good luck in the USA Mitch.
With nearly seventy runners taking up the challenge at Lake Canobolas last Sunday. Nick Irwin was awarded the winner on the day. It was great to see many of the Barnyarders that are also members of the ORC use this run for training, but this also created a lot of competition around the track. 3km male first Jack Daintith, just ahead of Noah Lamrock and Glen Prestridge. While Amber Rich finished a step in front of Kinisha Roweth and Lily Craig. The 6km runners were certainly looking for speed with Nathan Sutherland in 21.18 with Brad Simmons and Dan Benton finishing in Nathan’s shadow.
On Wednesday we managed to get the Elephant Park handicap run in before the shower of rain. Fifty runners speed around the circle with some great personal bests achieved Bailey Cunich 1 minute 59 seconds faster, Catlin Prestwidge 16 seconds, Renai McArdle 4 seconds, Lachlan Simmons 13 seconds, Monique Connolly 15 seconds, an incredible 2 minutes 40 seconds for Tanya Connolly and a world beater 3 minutes 10 seconds for Toby Sunderland what an effort. In a welcome return Keagan Wilson successfully completed the track with great haste, well done Keagan. Fastest time this week was Jackson Boucher for the males and Ella Lamrock for the girls, great effort Jackson and Ella.
A reminder that the Orange Colour City Running Festival entries are open and on Monday 29th August, there is a special meeting for any members wishing to help with the challenges. See Erin Dunkley Gibson or one of the committee for details.
This weekend on Elephant Park we will see a relay event starting at 9.00am, Jordan Cheney will be attending. Jordan is an ex-vice president of the club and did a lot of work for ORC. There will be a BBQ following the relay and a gold coin collection will be taken up for Cancer Council.

GREAT TEAM: The ORC Runners who competed at Blackmores included Amanda Gregor (left), Helen Roberts, Sharon Fahy, Glenys Rosser, Karen Neal, Fiona Mackin, Kay Davis, Cindie Crannis, Alison Spurway and Sabrina Manickam.