CWD : 5 November 2016
Last Sunday the club held its relay day at Elephant Park where two person teams were drawn from a hat. Runners and walkers ran alternate laps until each runner had completed three laps.
Overall winners on handicap were Oliver McLean and Mike Cooper who recorded a time of 63:02 including handicaps. Coming in second were Craig Penrose and Hugh Daintith (65:11) and Lily Craig and Erin Gibson coming in third (66:07).
The fastest teams on the day were:
John Connolly and Daryl Roweth who recorded 23:08.
Amber Rich and Anthony Daintith 23:15,
Nick Thomas and Evan Price 23:43.
Lucky draw prize winners were Kate Ziegler, Craig Penrose and Amber Rich.
Also on the weekend, Alicia Ross, Meg Reeves and Adam Reeves competed in 4 Peaks Bright Mountain Challenge which is ran over four mountain peaks including Mt Bufalo and Mt Hotham. A total climb of some 6000 metres.
Meg Reeves was outstanding being first female finished in a total time of 6h22m15s while Alicia Ross was sixth female finished in a time of 8h24m35s. Adam Reeves completed 3 of the 4 peaks with some strong finishing times while Dave Ross was their main support crew.
On Wednesday afternoon at Elephant Park 59 starters crossed the mats with Nick Thomas having a great afternoon being recognised for his 100th club run, whilst also running the fastest time of 11:20 which was also a 25s personal best. Kim Roweth 400 runs and Kinisha Roweth 300 runs also were awarded certificates. The fastest femaleĀ was Ella Lamrock with a time of 12:52 while Mylena Duchene(37s) ran a personal best as did Oliver McLean, with his 5m58s personal best securing him the overall win in a time of 18:40.
This week the club run is at CSU, while many runners will compete in the Carcoar Cup running festival.
Information provided by Daryl Roweth