CWD 17th April 2021
Mother-daughter duo, Alicia Anlezark and Rhonda Jones after running at the Canberra Running Festival.

Kinisha Roweth reports.
Only two more weeks left to renew your 2021-2022 membership. If you do not renew, your timing chip will no longer record your time after the end of April.
Well done to all that competed in Canberra last weekend. There were some phenomenal achievements made by several of our members. It was great to see so many families heading to the race and making a weekend of the event.
The sleet last Sunday in Orange kept most at home, but 25 brave members made it out to Favell Road to complete their run despite the conditions.
The leading club members in each distance were:
3km – Female – Lucy Jurd 19:11, Claire Gates 20:50.
Male – Mike Cooper 17:10, Hayden Hyde 18:55, Gary Taylor 21:18.
5.5km – Female – Milla Jurd 32:58, Kelly Jurd 33:01, Sally Postma 39:52.
Male – Eddie Feeney 27:18, Peter Hyde 29:09, Toby Beels 35:48.
8.1km – Female – Alison Spurway 49:34, Kim Jarvis 53:34, Anna Daintith 1:08:28.
11.1km – Female – Ayako Kusui 1:08:15.
Male – Mark Thomas 53:01, Ian Spurway 58:10, Anthony Daintith 1:05:20.
On a breezy Wednesday afternoon, 83 members ran or walked around the track at Elephant Park, completing 1, 2 or 3 laps. Top three males were: Hadden Bennett 10:15, Rikky Bangert 10:43 and Fred Bangert 12:02. Completing the top three ladies were: Leanne Corcoran 11:53, Milla Jurd 13:19 and Courtney Hayes 13:51.
Personal bests were recorded this week by Claire Anlezark 8s, Maree Moss 9s, Haden Bennett 16s, Sebastian Lloyd 1m5s, Courtney Hayes 23s and Angela Sieburn 1m2s.
Tomorrow’s (18th April) Sunday run is at Botanic Gardens. The lap is 1.6km long and you have the choice to do it 1 to 6 times. Also putting out a reminder, that we are still operating under COVID-19 regulations. On Wednesdays, timing begins at 4pm and will cease at 5:30pm. On Sunday’s, you must start between 8.30am and 9am. On both days still encouraging members to arrive, run and depart.
Upcoming Sunday club runs:
25th April – Clergate School
The safety guideline for this week is to stick to the left-hand side of the path. Botanic Gardens is used by many other individuals while we are there so please make sure you stay on the left as you run your laps.
Race briefs/announcements/presentations are still cancelled– this will instead be done via email and on the Facebook page.
Continue to check the website, Facebook and watch your emails for more information on all club activities and news.