CWD 27th March 2021
Helen Roberts achieved 600 club runs this week.

Kinisha Roweth reports.
Last Sunday, 61 members made it out in the misty, cloudy weather to run/walk at Bloomfield golf course. The track was a 2km loop with the option to do 1 to 5 laps. Although the grass was spongy is some places due to the rain, it was a very enjoyable run for all.
The leading runners in each distance were:
2km – Female – Kelly Jurd 12:11, Mindy Smith 16:22, Rose Holway 18:42.
Male – Mike Cooper 10:01, Craig Penrose 11:24, Gary Holway 18:42.
4km – Female – Milla Jurd 20:28, Penny Chandler 21:30, Belinda McCauley 24:26.
Male – Iain McLean 15:58, Kim Anlezark 34:11.
6km Female – Kate Thornton 34:10, Samantha Pluymers 38:37, Julie Hudson 43:53.
Male – Hugh Daintith 28:30, Clive Blore 29:46, David Craig 30:49.
8km – Female – Jane Fairgrieve 53:16, Karren Skelton 1:00:28, Anna Daintith 1:03:55.
Male –Peter Finlay 32:09, Peter Hyde 45:00, Peter Regan 46:46.
10km – Female – Nicola Blore 50:07, Jen Owens 57:34, Alicia Anlezark 58:23.
Male – Jack Daintith 42:09, Brad Simmons 43:56, Paul Anderson 50:36.
On Wednesday, we were lucky with the rain stopping earlier in the day, this meant that 68 members were able to run or walk around the track at Elephant Park completing 1, 2 or 3 laps. Top three males were Peter Finlay 10:18, Jack Daintith 11:20 and Rikky Bangert 11:11. Completing the top three ladies were Leanne Corcoran 11:44, Nicola Blore 12:40 and Courtney Hayes 14:19.
Personal bests were recorded this week by Nicola Blore 19s, Samantha Pluymers 29s, Courtney Hayes 1m2s and Michael Pantehis 21s.
Congratulations to our achievement medal receivers this week: Helen Roberts 600 club runs, Becky Went 25 club runs, Phillip Mudge 25 club runs and Caleb Mudge 25 club runs.
Tomorrow’s run (28 March) is the Great Volcanic Challenge, starting at Pinnacle. For the 3km please bring your club timing chip. For the 5km challenge and the full 11km climb, you must enter online before midnight on Friday 26th March or in person at the setup at the Orange Visitors Information Centre between 12 and 4pm on Saturday 27th March. The GVC 11km start times is between 9am and 9:15am while the 5km starts between 9:45am and 9:55am.
The safety guideline for this week is to always listen/pay attention to and comply with race and safety briefings prior to a run.
The Canberra Running Festival is on the 11th of April. If anyone is interested in going for an ORC meal in Canberra on the 10th (Saturday dinner) or 11th (Sunday lunch), please contact Daryl or Judy on the numbers advised in the email.
Race briefs/announcements/presentations are still cancelled– this will instead be done via email and on the Facebook page.
Continue to check the website, Facebook and watch your emails for more information on all club activities and news.