CWD 8th May 2021
Maree Moss flying through a club run

Kinisha Roweth reports.
The club’s AGM is on next Thursday 13th of May in the Media room at Hotel Canobolas, beginning at 7pm. After the meeting there will be pizzas provided for those in attendance. Please email President Coop if you plan on coming.
Another uniform order has been arranged and is now open. Follow this link
Despite the hint of misty rain, there were 55 runners that made it to Shiralee Road last Sunday.
The leading club members in each distance were:
2km – Female – Talitha Mudge 13:40, Fiona Montgomerie 18:22, Justine Neville 18:54.
Male – Craig Penrose 11:27, Caleb Mudge 14:03, Phillip Mudge 23:29.
4km – Female – Karen Mudge 23:01, Belle Fisher 23:58, Claire Gates 24:13.
Male – Peter Finlay 14:54, Michael Sturt 18:05, Mike Cooper 19:09.
6km – Female – Sharon Fahy 55:14.
8km – Female – Alison Spurway 43:34, Kim Jarvis 49:34, Rhonda Jones 1:01:16.
Male – Hugh Daintith 39:23, Nathan Gorton 45:16, James Thomas 50:01.
12km – Female – Courtney Hayes 1:02:01, Alicia Anlezark 1:03:50, Karren Skelton 1:30:50.
Male – Daryl Roweth 59:26, Paul Anderson 1:03:30, Anthony Daintith 1:10:59,
Orange brought us a rather fresh afternoon on Wednesday, nonetheless 70 members turned up to run or walk around the track at Elephant Park completing 1, 2 or 3 laps. Top three males were Peter Finlay 10:10, Jack Daintith 10:13 and Hadden Bennett 10:18. Completing the top three ladies were Leanne Corcoran 12:07, Nicola Blore 12:21 and Bec Davis 12:54.
Personal bests were recorded this week by Courtney Hayes 9s, Jon Sieburn 29s, Derek Thompson 16s, Thomas White 52s and Maxwell Horne 17s.
Congratulations to our achievement medal receivers this week: James Thomas 25 runs.
Tomorrow’s Sunday run (9th May) is at Gosling Creek and it’s Mothers’ Day. There will be a Mothers’ Day prize draw during the run with prizes collected by the lucky winners as you finish. Distances to be advised on the morning depending on the weather. Also putting out a reminder, that we are still operating under COVID-19 regulations. On Wednesdays, timing begins at 4pm and will cease at 5:30pm. On Sundays, you must start between 8.30am and 9am. On both days still encouraging members to arrive, run and depart.
Upcoming Sunday club runs:
16th May – Berrilee Road
23rd May – Stagecoach Road
30th May – Bargwanna Road
The safety guideline for this week is: this location does not allow dogs, so please do not bring your dog to this run.
Race briefs/announcements/presentations are still cancelled– this will instead be done via email and on the Facebook page.
Continue to check the website, Facebook and watch your emails for more information on all club activities and news.